Harris officially secures Democratic nomination for president. She becomes the first woman of color to lead a major national ticket, with a chance to become the first woman president in American history.
The American people believe in the promise of freedom. Are you ready to fight for it? Because when we fight, we win.
0% TAX . Liquidity Locked. Ownership Renounced.
How to Buy $HARRIS
Follow these steps or join our Telegram group if you need help
Step 1: Install MetaMask For Chrome
Open your Google Chrome and visit metamask.io. Download the MetaMask chrome extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask’s app for iPhone or Android.
Step 2: Send $ETH To MetaMask
Transfer $ETH to your new MetaMask wallet from your existing wallet (e.g. Trust Wallet, Coinbase, or Binance), or buy $BNB directly within MetaMask.
Step 3: Swap $ETH For $HARRIS
Set your slippage to 0.5% and enter and the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $HARRIS.
Road Map
All jokes aside, here is a rough sketch of $HARRIS path ahead. We dont wan’t to give everything away on day 1, Expect surprises along the way ;)
- Contract Audit
- CMC + CG Listing
- 5000 $HARRIS Holders
- Twitter Raids x 2
- Telegram Ads x 1 Active
- Trending - DEXT/CMC
- Meme Images
- Charity & Donation
- SOL Wormhole Chain
- BNB Wormhole Chain
- Tier 2 CEX Listing
- TokenPocket & BitKeep Updates
- DexScreener & AVE Updates
- Tier 1 CEX Listing
- Community Partnerships
- Banners and Billboards in New York, UAE
- CoinZilla Marketing
- BASE Wormhole Chain
- ARB Wormhole Chain
- 15000 $HARRIS holders
- Twitter Raid Team x 4
- Telegram Ads x 2 Active
- Trending - DEXT/CMC
- 50000 $HARRIS holders
- Tier 1 CEX Listing
- Wallet Development
- NFT Creation
- Celebrity Partnership
- Twitter Raid Team x 8
- Telegram Ads x 3 Active
- Trending - DEXT/CMC
- Meme Takeover
Kamala Harris Token is a cryptocurrency created for entertainment purposes and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Kamala Harris. While HARRIS Token may reference or incorporate elements related Kamala Harris´ persona, image, or likeness, it does not imply any direct endorsement, partnership, or approval by Kamala Harris. Any resemblance or association between HARRIS Token and Kamala Harris is purely coincidental and intended for satirical or humorous purposes.